“You are beautiful because your eyes are different sizes and your lisp gets in between your tongue and teeth every time you try to say “something”. You are beautiful because the scar under your chin looks like a spider and because you have a massive fear of heights. You are beautiful because there never has been, nor will there every be anyone else on this Earth like you. Because your flaws are like fingerprints and should be embraced just like the free will that resides inside. You are not beautiful because of the symmetry in the little squares on your telephone, you are beautiful because “you” are the only “you” this place will ever know.”
-John C. O’Callaghan V.
The Maine are also nominated for Most Dedicated Fanbase and their latest album American Candy is nominated for Album of the Year for the APMA’s! You can vote here and don’t forget you can catch The Maine all Summer long on the Vans Warped Tour 2016, get tickets here!
Tell us what you think about the video, let us know how pretty you feel after!
You can also check out their new acoustic rundown of this song! Watch it below!
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