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Anna Shoemaker is On The Rise

Anna Shoemaker has tons of announcements for us! Her singles “Everything is Fine” and “Mariah” were both recently released with killer videos to follow. She also just annou…

Get to Know: DBMK

Alt-pop project, DBMK just released a single titled “Chains” with much promise. Best friends, Kyle Knudsen (vocals) and Colton Ward (drums) are serving edge and an eclectic sound, ready …

Get to Know: Devon Baldwin

After an unexpected lung collapse, artist Devon Baldwin has reentered the scene, this time stronger than before. With new music and fierce determination, she is ready to show the world just who she re…

Get To Know: Jazzie Young

Rising artist, Jazzie Young, puts her own spin on The Cranberries’ “Zombie”, dives into the evolution of her music, and describes growing up as Jesse Colin Young’s daughter…

GAYLE on the cover of Beyond The Stage Magazine May 2022