Logan Pilcher’s “Good Fortune Vol 1 EP” is everything that you needed in your music library. Starting music from a young age, Pilcher has almost always been involved in music and has now started to release his own.
Get to know Logan Pilcher below and listen to the premiere of his new EP, “Good Fortune, Vol 1” below.
1. Introduce yourself for our readers.
Hi, My name is Logan. (Enneagram 1 wing 9)
2. Describe your sound for someone who may not have heard it before.
Imagine if George Harrison and Neil Young grew up listening to Coldplay.
3. You started music from a young age, tell us more about your journey.
I was a terrible student but art always came naturally for me. My introduction to art was born out of this weakness. Music and songwriting didn’t become a passion of mine until high school but before then I enjoyed drawing and painting. I think not being solely a musician gives me a different objective. My guitar is a tool and my music is a means to express a story or emotion.
4. Who are your musical influences?
I love the 60s and 70s. Artist like The Beatles, Simon & Garfunkel, and Neil Young mean a lot to me. There are a lot of modern artists like Noah Gunderson, Henry Jamison, or Dawes that are so inspiring. I love the way music is consumed now. Being a millennial, virtually every song released was available when I fell in love with music. I think more people like myself are able to follow niche artists that fit their musical itch. I would be honored if my music can be that for others.
5. What influences your music as far as themes or life events?
For the first time in my life I have been focused on the cycle of generations. I feel like I am filling the shoes of some who came before me It makes me emotional to see younger people living my previous life as well. It’s hard to explain but that is a concept that is infused in a lot of my work. I also write about girls.
6. What can you tell us about your new EP, Good Fortune Vol 1?
Each song in this project represents a different reservation of what being fortunate means to me. Most of the lyrics are focused on two opposing point of views. Everyone has values, morals, and goals depending on how they were raised and their personal experiences. Hopefully my songs can be the median to help bring people together.
7. What was the recording process like for the EP?
The recording process started in a home with deep roots. A house that has not been lived in for twenty years. My relatives hold on to it because it is connected to the family farm. I spent a week alone with no wifi. Disconnected from my daily routine, I recorded the demos for “Good Fortune”.
After sifting through dozens of songs with my producer Blake J. Tallent, we picked our favorites and started putting them down. We worked in Nashville at his studio for months making Vol.I and Vol. II. Blake is a genius. He is a huge fan of mid tempo folk rock which made him the prefect producer. The demos were just bones and he added so much color to these songs. He recorded electric guitar and mixed all the songs for Vol. I.
I’m thankful to have a community of close friends who helped make this project happen!
8. What’s something our readers should know about you?
My goal is to connect with people who have an ear for thoughtful music. Creating a culture of friends, fans, and supporters to help a music career is tasking! It is something I don’t take lightly.
If my music means something to you PLEASE REACH OUT! Here is my email loganpilchermusic@gmail.com
9. How can our readers find you online? How can they find your music?
I’m active on Instagram. I post often about projects I’m working on, live shows, and my everyday life.
(Follow Logan Pilcher on Instagram here.)
I have music up on all streaming platforms. If you use Spotify, follow me here to stay up to date with my new releases.
If you want to receive exclusive music and updates on shows/releases go to my website and sign up for my email list.
10. What’s next for you in 2020?
I’m releasing more music in 2020 than I ever have and I am going to be touring all over the US. I have dreamed of this and I am very excited to connect with fans and make new friends! I am currently booking so please reach out if you want to host a house show or book me for a venue. Loganpilcher.com/shows
We’re so excited to hear what’s next for Logan Pilcher! Listen to his “Good Fortune Vol 1” EP below.
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